


We are simply a local group of Christians (Acts 11:26), seeking to serve God based on the teachings and patterns revealed in his word, the Bible. We are not affiliated with any denomination or other groups but are an autonomous body acknowledging Christ as the only head of the church (Ephesians 1:22-23).

Our website is a way to introduce ourselves to the community and to anyone who may be visiting the area. Frequent updates will be posted so please come back often. We invite you to any of our assemblies. Thanks for your interest, and if you are in the area, we would love to see you at our next assembly!

Assembling At:
301 Robison St., Edna, TX 77957

Sun Bible Classes………..9:30 a.m.
Sun AM Worship…..10:30 a.m.
Sun PM Worship…..6:00 p.m.

Wed AM Bible Study…….10:30 a.m.
Wed PM Bible Classes…….7:00 p.m.