The Gospel of Luke begins in the temple in Jerusalem at the hour of worship with the anticipation that something amazing is about to happen (Luke 1:5-25). As we have…
Last time in our study of Luke’s gospel we witnessed the empty tomb and the disciples’ disbelief at the announcement of the resurrection (Luke 24:1-12). Luke wants his readers to…
In our last study in Luke, we witnessed the horror and shame of Jesus’ death on the cross. The disciples are scattered and discouraged. But something happened that changed everything,…
Luke has been telling Theophilus about Jesus and we have been journeying along with him. Now we come to the moment when all will become dark, and Jesus will die…
Earlier in the gospel of Luke Jesus said He would be handed over to the Gentiles to suffer and die (Luke 18:31-33). Now having gone through a Jewish trial, Jesus…
Jesus has been preparing Himself and the disciples for His journey to the cross. And now the hour of darkness has come, and He will be betrayed into the hands…
We have recently considered the need for us to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). And now as we continue our journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, we…
If you knew you were about to die, what would you like to say to your loved ones? If you knew that this was the last time you would be…
The end of the Lord’s ministry is coming closer and closer as we journey through Luke’s gospel. We are in Jerusalem in the time of the Passover where Jesus must…
At this point in Luke’s gospel, the death of Jesus is at hand. Jesus is in the right place and, as we shall see, it is the right time (Luke…