The Bible uses light in a number of ways. Sometimes, it represents truth (Ps. 119:105, 130). Sometimes it is a symbol of life (Job 33:30; Ps. 36:9; 56:13). It is…
The psalmist wanted to recount the salvation and faithfulness of God to others. What about you and me who have been commissioned to do so by Jesus (Matt. 28:18-20)? What…
Here in our text Jesus reminds us of the call of the gospel and the cost of discipleship. Jesus was taking up an age-old call for people to follow God…
When was the last time you struggled with worry and anxiety? There are a lot of things that can bring stress into our lives. It is during those times that…
Our text recalls the time when Jesus challenged His disciples to seek Him and not just what they could get from Him, and some walked away (John 6:60-66). When Jesus…
Work has been a part of human existence since the beginning (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:15). That is important for the disciple of Jesus to remember. God has blessed us with this…
In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he writes about the power of the gospel (Rom. 1:16). And here in our text, he also talks about the importance of the gospel…
Recently we were reflecting on Psalm 87 and on God’s plan to draw all nations to Him in Jesus. This reminded me of one of the hymns we sing, I…
What is most important in your life? Who is the most important person in your life? We may be thinking about our spouse or a parent or maybe a dear…
How do you picture God and how do you picture Jesus? Some think about God as an old man in the clouds. Some think about Jesus as just a friend.…