How Great Are Your Works
December 15, 2024

How Great Are Your Works

Passage: Psalm 92:1-15
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Psalm 92 is a psalm of thanksgiving and according to its heading, a psalm for corporate worship on the Sabbath day.  This short psalm continues to answer the question believers wrestle with about God’s steadfast love and faithfulness (Ps. 89:49). It is a well written and well-structured psalm that is like Psalm 1 in that it speaks of the “two ways” of life (Ps. 1; Matt. 7:13-14). The life without God and the life with Him. It reminds us of the need to remember and to see what the Lord has done for us. It reminds us of the need to give Him thanks and to give Him praise. And it reminds us that without Him there is no lasting flourishing.

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