Jesus’ sermon on the mount calls people to greater righteousness (Matt. 5:17-20). He concludes the sermon with a series of illustrations that show that there are only two categories of…
Have you ever been on a road trip and gotten lost? If that’s ever happened to you, you know the importance of having a map or GPS. Just like that…
In our last study of the Psalms, we considered Psalm 92 which said, “but you, O Lord, are on high forever.” (Psalm 92:8, ESV) But what does that mean? How…
Have you ever been given a task that seemed impossible? The book of Acts picks up where Luke ended and tells the story of the early church, and how Jesus…
The psalmist wanted to recount the salvation and faithfulness of God to others. What about you and me who have been commissioned to do so by Jesus (Matt. 28:18-20)? What…
Psalm 92 is a psalm of thanksgiving and according to its heading, a psalm for corporate worship on the Sabbath day. This short psalm continues to answer the question believers…
Can Christians get tattoos? Tattoos have become increasingly common today, and not just among young people. What was once associated with the military, rebellion, and various subcultures has become a…
Here in our text Jesus reminds us of the call of the gospel and the cost of discipleship. Jesus was taking up an age-old call for people to follow God…
The Gospel of Luke begins in the temple in Jerusalem at the hour of worship with the anticipation that something amazing is about to happen (Luke 1:5-25). As we have…