Jesus’ sermon on the mount calls people to greater righteousness (Matt. 5:17-20). He concludes the sermon with a series of illustrations that show that there are only two categories of…
Are you ever distressed by the evil that is in the world? What can we do? Here we have another parable that in Matthew occurs in the same context as…
In our last study of the Psalms, we considered Psalm 92 which said, “but you, O Lord, are on high forever.” (Psalm 92:8, ESV) But what does that mean? How…
Psalm 92 is a psalm of thanksgiving and according to its heading, a psalm for corporate worship on the Sabbath day. This short psalm continues to answer the question believers…
Today one of the most misunderstood and maligned biblical truths is the wrath of God. People love to highlight the love and mercy of God but not His wrath. Yet…